April 24, 2008

Spencerport Lift Bridge Raised

This is the Spencerport Main St. canal bridge, raised while a boat glides under. You can't see the boat, only it's lights were bright enough to register on film. I'm not sure what time the bridges stop raising now, but in July of 1997, this must have been around 9:30 PM. The lights on the boat reflect like fire on the water.... (click for larger view)

April 20, 2008

Brockport Main St. - "Bank Block"

Here is the "bank block" at night, with cars driving past on Main St., & the Rochester Telephone tower looking down on Brockport, as it has for as long as I can remember. I have always wondered what the view looks like from up there. The United Methodist Church has anchored the south end of this block since 1877. The building on the north end was originally an impressive 3 floor bank with a tower up front, as you see here in the bottom half of this Albert Stone image. In 1927 it was rebuilt in it's current gothic stone form. Another Stone image shows it in the early 30's. Taken in August of 1997. (click for larger view)

April 17, 2008

Spencerport Main Street at Night

This image was taken from my car window, on a cold winter night in 1989. We had just had a pretty good snowfall, and it was cold enough where even the roads were still covered. The neon lights on the right are from the Pilot House, and on the left you can see the sign for Austin Fosmire Insurance, both of which are no longer there. (click for larger view)

April 12, 2008

Park Avenue Lift Bridge

Here is another image of the Park Avenue Lift Bridge, a little while after sunset. I love the way the bridge lights and sky reflect off the water. Taken in August of 1997. (click for larger image)

April 10, 2008

Capen Hose Fire Station

Capen Hose fire station at night. This was taken in November of 1999, way before the 9/11 memorial was built where you see the flagpole. The streaks of red and white are cars passing by on Park Ave, during the exposure. (click for larger view)

April 5, 2008

Soldiers' Monument in Winter

This is the Brockport Soldiers' Monument, on the east side of Owens road near the railroad tracks, back in the woods a bit. This was taken in December of 1985, before the rest of the top was blown off in the Labor day storm of 1998. There are no stairs left now... when I was young I remember looking up inside and seeing every 3 or 4th stair intact, but it was not stable enough to climb. My grandfather told me when he was young, he could climb to the top and get a great view of the lake! (click for larger view)

April 2, 2008

Main St. Lift Bridge

This is Brockport's Main St. Lift Bridge, shot with a wide lens. I was standing on the west side, looking south. Taken in September of 1999. (click for larger view)